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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

DIY Turkey Craft! Yes, he stands up.

I have been so busy; I have had literally no time to blog whatsoever. BUT! I did happen to think it was important to show you this little craft I made as a demonstration for the little ones in Art today. It's really easy, and I'm not gonna lie... I had fun.

Gobble Gobble! Happy Thanksgiving!
What you need: 1/2 paper plate, toilet paper roll, construction paper & googly eyes!

Side note: I really, really, really dislike winter dresses this season. They're terrible - awkward styles, matronly designs, and vibrant, mismatching colors and overlays. ( <---- and this is coming from a major color person! )

However, I did happen to find this awesome little dress at J Crew, where I usually find absolutely nothing. I looooove it! If you do too, spoil yourself as an early MERRY WHATEVER present! It also comes in a blouse...

Really have no other fashion inspiration as of now -- I've been too scared to really shop because of the mob of people I anticipate in stores around the holidays!